TPMSDirect Frequently Asked TPMS QuestionsTPMS sensor life expectancy? How long do the batteries in a TPMS sensor last for?The battery life of an original equipment tire pressure monitoring sensor is estimated to last about 5-7 years. Sensor batteries do not activate until the sensor is installed and programmed to the vehicle. There are some tricks available to asses the battery life in your original equipment TPMS sensors.... Assess the status of the sensor power by looking at how many miles are on the vehicle and how long you've had the vehicle. If you've got a vehicle that's over five years old and have accumulated over 100,000 miles on the original sensors, then you're probably looking at a system that will start failing in the near future. If the mileage of the vehicle is close to the 100,000 mile mark, then we recommend replacing all four sensors at once. Replacing all four at once can spare you multiple trips to the auto shop, where you'll be charged to remove the wheel from the tire, break down the tire, change the old TPMS sensor, put the tire back on the wheel, and re-mount the wheel to the vehicle. Labor costs and time add up, making it economically wiser to change all four old sensors at once. |