11/7/11 - Proper TPMS Maintenance Maintain your TPMS for optimal performance! Even though TPMS has become the industry standard, you should still manually measure your tire pressure at least once a month. Doing so will ensure more than just the safe tire pressure levels that sensors indicate, but ensure optimum tire pressure. Also, running a flat tire will result in damage to both the tire and the TPMS sensor. Be selective in the people who work on your car and its tires. Someone who is lacking the proper equipment or knowledge can damage the sensor. Damaged sensors can not be fixed and must be replaced. Corrosion from air compressors can also damage the electronics on the sensors. To prevent corrosion problems, use dialectic silicone grease. Apply a small amount on each of the threaded portions of the stems. Also, a good cap on each stem will help lock out moisture. Be careful to not bump curbs. Doing so can result in a damaged stem or a cracked sensor. Never use fix-a-flat or any other type of sealant that is sprayed into the tire. Sealants can clog and damage sensors as well as cause valves to malfunction. Manufacturers recommend servicing TPMS sensors everytime your tire is removed from the rim. |